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Submersible Winding Wires

Monex Wires
Monex Wires submersible winding wires (An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Product) is one of the most trusted quality product available in submersible winding wire industry. It has the entire electrical, mechanical, thermal and chemical properties as per IS:Specification. Monex helps in saving power consumption as compare to other wires available in market, because of its copper purity and use of superior quality of poly & polypropylene films.

Monex Wires
Monex submersible winding wire is manufactured from 99.90% pure electrolytic grade of copper. It is drawn and annealed in fully automatic online plant in our own factory premises. For extra softness the conductor is annealed to our high standards. We conduct following three test on conductor :
The Results of these test are even better than IS:Specification 8783 Part (1)

Size in mm. Layers
0.40 --- 1.50 3 Layers
1.60 and above 4 & 5 as per size
The main cause of pump failure is use of inferior grade of poly & propylene films / tapes. Monex is insulated with poly & propylene tapes of superior quality, which has higher insulation resistance even at boiling point of water. We also conduct test on poly films manufactured by ISO Certified companies in our own laboratory to ensure the quality of tapes. We conduct following test on poly & propylene tapes.
  • Tensile strength
  • Elongation
  • Thermal ageing in air
  • Heat Shock
  • Hot set
  • Melting point
  • Spark test.
Three layers of poly & propylene tapes cover the Copper Conductor. First layer is of polyster and other two are WHC & THC. These two are heat seal tapes. As the size of conductor increases we give more strength to the wire by increasing layers of the tape.

Lower Outer Dia
Size in mm. Covering in mm.
0.40 --- 0.90 0.30
0.90 and above 0.35
Incorporating the latest film technology we also have Monex L.O.D., which results in higher insulation even with lower outer diameter.

Test on Finished Goods
  • High voltage test
  • Spark test
  • Insulation resistance
  • Shrinkage
  • Hot deformation
  • Water absorption

Packing is an important aspect of quality control. Submersible winding wires have a very thin insulation, which require careful handling & proper packing to safeguard the product. The wire needs to be saved from sharp edges. For this, we cover each coil by L.D. wrapper and seal it in thick polythene before placing it in a box.

Our Quality Assurance department perform regular online & offline quality checks to ensure high customer satisfaction. We always believe in delivering the best and to remain a quality manufacturer in the industry.
Monex WiresMonex Wires